Basic Rules

  1. Any third party software is prohibited.

  2. It is forbidden to exploit any bug. If you have noticed a bug in a game, please report it in the game's NPC Report. (Before reporting, please make sure your game client has the latest updates needed for our server.)

  3. Admins are usually informed about bugs like mobs being trapped in the terrain, but if you have seen someone exploiting them (zooming etc) you should report it to or Discord with evidence (screenshots or fraps) as it is a punishable offense.

  4. Exploitation of Strider/Wyvern to overcome map limitations will be punished with bans. Please report such events with screenshots.

  5. If you impersonate admin or GM, you will be kicked.

  6. We will not be responsible for the loss of any items or expenses during the game and under no circumstances will items be replaced or refunded.

  7. Respecting other players is the key to a friendly community. Racism, Nazism or abusive comments towards others will not be tolerated and we will take appropriate action against anyone who violates this rule.

  8. PvP and Role-Playing are definitely recommended. Anyway, you will not be limited or punished.

  9. Any incrimination to the administrator or any other player must be proven with screenshots or any other visual material. Otherwise, the accuser may be banned for slander.

  10. Make an effort to keep the game fair and fun for everyone by following these rules. If you think someone is breaking any of the above rules, please let the admins know.

  11. All information in the database is the property of the administration. Sales of characters/accounts/items or exchanges for real items/currency or in-game items are prohibited. The administrators will never give your account information to any third party. However, we reserve the right to do with it whatever is necessary. Admins do not sell anything, any plea to do so will be treated as disrespectful.

  12. It is not allowed to use double account (Boxing) in the events, in absolutely none of them, much less the bandit, if you do you will be expelled. *Boxing is the term used when referring to running 2 or more accounts from the same machine, or 2 or more machines with the intent to farm or level each other, or even trade in town.

Account Security

  1. The owner of the account is always the same and remains the same. The person who has registered the account is considered to be its owner regardless of who has the current password. It is our policy and it will never change.

  2. Logging into the account without the owner's permission is an offense punishable by banning all your accounts.

  3. Taking something from any character on the account that is not owned by them is stealing and is punishable by banning all their accounts.

  4. All accounts and all characters are the property of the Server Administration. Selling/switching accounts is prohibited (currency makes no difference). The seller can ban your account and the buyer can ban you at any time, as your actions will be considered illegal use of personal data.

  5. The owner can always request the recovery of the account from the administration by writing to the support emails listed in the contacts. Anyone using an account they don't own can be banned without warning. Nothing is refunded.

Clan Hall Restrictions

The clan that does not have at least 5 active members* and owns a Clan Hall will lose it. The guild hall will return to Auction. Nothing is refunded.

Castle Restrictions

The clan that owns the castle must have at least 10 active members, or it will be recognized as an inactive or alternate clan, and the castle/fort will be returned to the npc.